Legalitas Perjanjian Valet Parking Di Lihat Dari Pasal 1 320 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata
The legal basis of the treaty is conventionality."Consensuality" comes from the Latin word "agreement", which means " agreement". Basically, consensus is the agreement that happens when an agreement is reached. One example of an agreement based on the principle of consensusism is considered to have been approved immediately by the parties. Valet parking is one example. The word "parking" is very familiar to all of us, especially to those who own vehicles. In this study, primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials are used as secondary data.Actually, the parking valet agreement consists of a component of the agreement named. This type of agreement is called a mixed agreement. As long as it is carried out in Indonesian legal corridors, valet parking agreements are not prohibited by law and are not contrary to public order.