Peer Review Process

Consensus is published using a process that strictly follows the Open Journal System guidelines and templates that have been determined based on the Consensus scientific article writing guidelines. All manuscripts submitted will go through a review process by reviewers. The editor-in-chief will assign the manuscript to the Managing Editor for further handling. The Managing Editor will ask at least two scientists to review the research article manuscript. All manuscripts are subject to double-blind peer review, with both reviewers' and authors' identities kept confidential from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process to meet standards of academic excellence.

Complete information regarding the flow of manuscript submission (author) until acceptance by the editor is presented in the following image.

The steps are:

  1. Manuscript Submission by the author.
  2. Examination and selection of manuscripts by the editor. The editorial team has the right to accept, reject or review directly. Before further processing steps, plagiarism checking using Turnitin is applied to each manuscript.
  3. Manuscript Review Process by reviewers.
  4. Notification of Manuscript Acceptance, Revision, or Rejection by the editor to the author based on reviewer comments.
  5. Revision of the Paper by the author. Submission of revisions based on reviewer suggestions by the author in accordance with the flow.
  6. If the reviewer appears satisfied with the revision, notify the editor of its acceptance. Kitchen inspection and publishing process.

Consensus has four types of decisions:

  1. Accepted as is,
  2. Accepted and revised on a small scale (let the author revise according to the specified time).
  3. Accepted and revised on a large scale (allowing authors to revise according to the specified time).
  4. Rejected (generally in the background, outside the scope and objectives, main problem with technical description, unclear presentation).
  5. To check plagiarism, the Consensus Editorial Board will screen for plagiarism using Turnitin ( If indications of plagiarism are found (above 30%), the editor will immediately reject the manuscript.