Author Guidelines

Please read and understand the author guidelines for manuscript preparation. Authors submitting manuscripts to the editor must adhere to the author guidelines and templates. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or uses a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team before review. The editorial team will only accept manuscripts that meet the specified format requirements (downloadable at Author Guidelines and Templates). This template is designed to assist Authors in preparing manuscripts; it is an exact representation of the format expected by the editors. To use this template, please just save this MS Word file to your document, then copy and paste your document here. All papers submitted to the journal must be written in Indonesian.

Consensus: Journal of Legal Science is a peer-reviewed journal published four times a year by the Sumpah Pemuda College of Law in February, May, August and November. Consensus publishes original research articles or review articles.

The purpose of this journal is to provide a platform for students to publish their original research articles or review articles. Consensus is available in an online version. Indonesian is the language used in this journal.


The word limit is 4000-8000 words (including footnotes and abstract). The order of the manuscript is as follows: Title; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Research Methods; Discussion; Conclusion; and bibliography (download article template here pdf).


The title of the article is written in Times New Roman, Bold (12pt) and should not exceed 14 words. Author's name, affiliation and email.


The abstract should be clear, concise, and descriptive. It should provide a brief introduction to the problem, and purpose of the paper, followed by a statement of methods and a brief summary. Font is Times New Roman (12pt) and should be no more than 250 words.


Keywords are organized alphabetically and have a minimum of three keywords and a maximum of five keywords separated by semicolons (;).


The introduction should be clear and provide the issues to be addressed in the manuscript. At the end of the paragraphs, the author should conclude with comments on the importance of the problem identification and research objectives.

Research Methods:

Methods are written in a descriptive manner. This is optional, only for original research articles.


This section is the most important part of your article. It contains the results of the object of study and should be clear and concise.


The conclusion contains a description that should answer the research objectives. Do not repeat the Abstract or simply describe the research results. Provide a clear explanation of possible applications and/or suggestions related to the research findings.


References are at the end of the manuscript. All cited publications should be included as a list of References, organized alphabetically. Please use a reference manager with the Chicago Manual of Style. Cite only things that you have read and write in footnotes. Please use a Reference Manager App such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. Use other articles published in the same journal as the model. All publications cited in the text should be included in the References section and organized alphabetically.



Authors should first register as an Author at the following address:

Authors should fill in the form in as much detail as possible where asterisked forms should be included. Once all textboxes of the form are filled in, the Author clicks the "Register" button to proceed with the registration. The Author is therefore taken to the online author submission interface where the Author should click on "New Submission". In the Start New Submission section, 'Click Here': to go to the first step of the five-step submission process". Here are the five steps in the online submission process:

  • Step 1 >> Initiate Submission: Select the appropriate journal section, i.e. Original Research Articles. Hence, the author should check the submission checklist.
  • Step 2 >> Uploading the Submission: To upload the manuscript to this journal, click Browse on the Upload submission file item and select the document file of the manuscript to be submitted, then click on the Upload button.
  • Step 3 >> Entering Submission Metadata: In this step, detailed author metadata should be entered including tagged corresponding authors. After that, the manuscript title and abstract should be uploaded by copying and pasting the text in the textbox along with keywords.
  • Step 4 >> Uploading Additional Files: Additional files should be uploaded including Cover Letter/Submission, proof of correction, and Signed Copyright Transfer Agreement Form. Therefore, click the Browse button, select the files, and then click the Upload button.
  • Step 5 >> Confirming Submission: Authors should check the final documents of the uploaded manuscript at this step. To submit the manuscript to the Consensus journal, click the Done Submission button once the documents are correct. The correspondent author or primary contact will receive an acknowledgment via email and will be able to view the submission progress through the editorial process by logging into the journal's web address site.

Upon submission, Authors who submitted the manuscript will get a confirmation email about the submission. Authors can therefore track their submission status at any time by logging into the online submission interface. Submission tracking includes the status of manuscript review and editorial process.


As part of the submission process, authors are asked to check their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors who do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). It is up to the editorial board to decide on its acceptance.
  • Submission files are in Microsoft Word file format, not PDF files.
  • The submitted article conforms to the Consensus Guidelines contained in the Author Information.
  • Any third-party material used has been identified with appropriate credit lines, and permission obtained from the copyright holder for all journal formats.
  • The authors declare no conflict of interest in this work.