Consensus : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum 2024-08-20T04:02:13+00:00 Consensus : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Sumpah Pemuda (STIHPADA) Palembang berisikan tulisan ilmiah, hasil pembahasan penelitian, pembahasan buku dan pendapat yang mendukung. Artikel Hukum yang dipublikasikan pada jurnal ini merupakan hasil karya ilmiah mahasiswa dan dosen yang telah memenuhi Pedoman Penulisan bagi Penulis (Author Guidelines) yang telah ditentukan oleh Consensus : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum. Semua artikel yang dikirimkan oleh penulis dan dipublikasikan dalam jurnal ini ditelaah melalui peer revie process. Jadwal penerbitan sehatun 4 (empat) kali pada bulan Februari, Mei, Agustus, November. Tulisan yang dikirim harus berpedoman pada metode penulisan ilmiah dan petunjuk penulisan sebagai terlampir. Isi konten tulisan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya penulis. Redaksi tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap isi konten tulisan.</p> Sanksi Hukum Terhadap Pelaku Politik Uang Dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pemilihan Umum 2024-08-20T04:02:09+00:00 Evi Oktarina [email protected] Indiaz Restu [email protected] Pipin Sulistya [email protected] Bambang Budiman [email protected] Muhammad Yudodika [email protected] Muhammad Rizki Anggara [email protected] <p><em>An election can be considered successful if the result can produce representatives and leaders capable of achieving national ideals, as outlined in the opening of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945. In the real world, electoral organizers sometimes use strategies that violate democracy, such as using money in politics to gain advantage over a particular candidate. In order to gather relevant data, normative juridic research uses library research that emphasizes research on juridical aspects.</em></p> 2024-02-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Perlindungan Terhadap Anak Yang Berhadapan Dengan Hukum Sebagai Rangkaian Diversi 2024-08-20T04:02:10+00:00 Jauhari Jauhari [email protected] Angga Arnando [email protected] Kelvin Apriansyah [email protected] Deden Prima Ido Wijaya [email protected] Rama Dika Irawan [email protected] Septe Aji Pratama [email protected] <p><em>In order to protect and protect children involved in criminal acts during various investigations, the Child Criminal Justice System laws are based on the formal laws of the Code of Penal Procedure Law. The Child Penal Justice system provides legal protection to children who are perpetrators of various types of crime. This law gives children the opportunity to discover themselves and become self-reliant individuals with the aim of giving them the chance to have a long future.</em></p> 2024-02-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jauhari Jauhari, Angga Arnando, Kelvin Apriansyah, Deden Prima Ido Wijaya, Rama Dika Irawan, Septe Aji Pratama Pengolahan Gas Dan Minyak Bumi Di Indonesia Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 Tentang Minyak Dan Gas Bumi 2024-08-20T04:02:11+00:00 Muhammad Ihsan [email protected] Doni Rizaldi [email protected] Wahyu Ansori [email protected] Aldi Duta Wangsa [email protected] Ogi Prayogi [email protected] Putri Sari Nilam Cayo [email protected] <p><em>Processing, transportation, storage, and departure activities are affected by licensing, while exploration and exploitation activities in the first place are influenced by the contract system. The regulations relating to oil and gas still need to be clarified so that the parties concerned do not conflict when interpreting the contents of the Act. Strategic non-renewable natural resources that are dominated by the state and are the primary commodity that dominates the lives of the masses and plays an important role in the national economy have become extremely important. Not only will it serve as the world's largest energy contributor for the next few decades, but it will also be beneficial to the present and the past.</em></p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Telaah Hukum Terhadap Pemblokiran Situs Yang Memiliki Muatan Radikalisme Di Media Online 2024-08-20T04:02:12+00:00 Novriansyah Novriansyah [email protected] Dwi Putri Silsilia [email protected] Heri Satria [email protected] Aan Mahan Putrah [email protected] Ganda Sukmana Ramadhon [email protected] Zakaria Zakaria [email protected] <p><em>Freedom of the press is one of the human rights, which includes the right to freely express opinions on matters relating to life in a public environment, facilitated by public access to information freely and honestly. Modern human life is built andined largely through this activity. The press and journalists are one of the many people who implement these important principles. Basically, websites that contain radicalism on the Internet are categorized as websites that commit criminal acts of dissemination of information that incites hatred based on tribe, religion, race, and intergroup. These offences include disseminating information deliberately and without the right to incite hatred or hostility against certain individuals or groups of people based on the tribes, religions, races, or intergroups.</em></p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Upaya Hukum untuk Mencegah Orderan Fiktif di Platform Ojek Online 2024-08-20T04:02:13+00:00 Rizky Dwi Kurnia [email protected] Rasyid Akbar [email protected] Bayu Pratama [email protected] Muhammad Eza [email protected] I Ketut Putra Astrawan [email protected] Andi Candra [email protected] <p><em>Strengthening the law governing the use of online license applications is one of the legal efforts that can be made to prevent false orders. It is important for the government, through the Ministry of Communications and other related agencies, to establish clear and strict rules on penalties to be imposed on customers who prove to have made counterfeit purchases. If a fictitious order causes significant losses to the driver or platform, the consequences can be account blocking, fines, or more severe legal action.</em></p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)