Sosialisasi Kebijakan Pelaku Usaha Yang Memuat Perlindungan Hak Ketenagakerjaan Perempuan Terkait Dengan Pelaksanaan Penghormatan Hak-Hak Perempuan Di Perusahaan
In accordance with the objectives of the law, female workers must be given the same rights as male workers. There's a lot to know about the government's efforts to protect women workers in the workplace and society's economic needs. To date, many employers have still not fulfilled their obligations to protect the female labour force, such as menstrual and childbirth breaks, post-embryonic rest, the opportunity to breastfeed, and the prohibition of employing pregnant women in hazardous conditions, as well as clear obligations for women working at night. Kemnaker calls on all parties to strengthen the protection of women's labour force. to enhance the company's image and reputation as an organization committed to creating an inclusive workplace respecting the principle of equality.