Akibat Hukum Sertifikat Hak Guna Usaha Yang Diterbitkan Oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional Karena Kesalahan Prosedur Penerbitan Sk Izin Lokasi
Location permits are written permits given to companies or individuals to direct the location of capital planters according to the territorial planning plan and at the same time as permits to obtain the necessary land. Article 20 of the Regulations of the Minister of State of Agriculture/Head of the BPN No. 9 of 1999 regulates the procedure for granting the right of use of the enterprise.On the basis of Section II of Articles 106 and 107 of the Rules of the minister of state of agriculture No. 9, 1999 on the Procedure for the Granting and Cancellation of Rights on National Land and Rights of Management, and Articles 107 and 108 of the regulation of the Ministry of the State of Agricultural Affairs No.9 of 1999 on Procedures for the granting and cancellation of rights on national land and rights of management, the certificate of the right to use of enterprise that has been canceled will be canceled.