Penerapan Kontrak Yang Seimbang Antara Pekerja Rumah Tangga Dan Majikan
The presence of a contract between the parties is often associated with a balance in the contract. However, the idea that the contract between the parties does not provide a position balance for one of them will remain. Attempts to resolve imbalances in contractual relationships occur because such contracts are considered unfair and burdensome. One example of a contract imbalance is the employment relationship between a housekeeper and an employer. Normative law research is the type of research used. The author uses written documents, legislative regulations, and other related literature as secondary data sources. Article 1339 BW states that an agreement binding not only what is expressly stipulated therein, but also everything that by its nature is required by justice, custom, or law to maintain a balance in the employment contract between the worker and the employer.